2nd Scientific TCM Conference

About 2nd Scientific TCM Conference

From science to
clinical practice.

Where traditional wisdom
meets modern research.

Our TCM Conference is a place where experts, practicing physicians, therapists, researchers, students and anyone interested in the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine meets to discuss current research, learn new techniques and make new connections.
Based on the good experience from the 1st Scientific TCM Conference, we’re proud to continue this series in conference format and are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Scientific TCM Conference in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, held from the 15th to 18th of August 2024.
The conference is jointly organized by the SWISS TCM UNI and TCM Ming Dao AG.
As in our first conference, the scientific program will address current research findings in TCM and will focus on studies in patients. It is a great opportunity to learn new TCM techniques in practical courses as well as a unique platform for Targeted at doctors, therapists, and healthcare practitioners eager to expand their therapeutic horizons, the hands-on weekend courses promise not just an education, but an invitation to those who aspire to transcend traditional treatment paradigms.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Please be aware that the congress language will be English.

Credits for attending the conference are or will be requested from different TCM organizations. The website will be updated regularly. For further information, please write an email to forschung@tcmuni.ch

Confirmed credits:

EMR, Switzerland: The conference program and content is in accordance with the EMR requirements for further training and education.
ASA, Switzerland: 6 Credits for Thursday, 15.08.2024; 6 Credits for Friday, 16.08.2024; 7 Credits for Saturday, 17.08.2024; 7 Credits for Sunday, 17.08.2024.
NVA, Netherlands: The conference can be accredited to the NVA.
NVTGC Zhong Association, Netherlands: The conference can be accredited to the NVTGC Zhong Association.


Michael Furian

Prof. Dr.

Yiming Li

Prof. Dr.
xiaying wang

Xiaying Wang


Xingfang Liu


Guest Organizers

Gerhard Litscher

Prof. DDr.

SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland, Medical University of Graz, Austria

Shihua Shi


Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research; Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM

Guanhu Yang

Prof. Dr.

Ohio University, USA

Our sponsors

Worldwide experts, all in one place.

Discover insights from our international speakers during four days of presentations and practice courses.


Prof. Dr. Michael Furian
SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Delin Zhang
Jiangxi University of TCM, China
Prof. DDr. Gerhard Litscher
SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland
Medical University of Graz, Austria
Prof. Dr. Tiancheng Xu
Nanjing University of Chin. Medicine, China
Dr. Maja Mičetić
Institut Ruđer Bošković, Croatia
Prof. Dr. Kun-Chan Lan
National Cheng Kung University, Chinese Taipei
Prof. Dr. Ruyu Yao
Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Fed. dipl. TCM Nina Zhao-Seiler
ZHAW TCM Garden, Switzerland
Dr. Stamatios Giannoukos
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Dr. Lili Wu
Pain Center Quickborn, Germany
Prof. Dr. Xi Bin
Henan University of TCM, China
Prof. Dr. Frank Bahr
SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland

Friday (and practice courses)

Prof. Dr. Fang Li
Jiangxi University of TCM, China
Prof. Dr. Guanhu Yang
University of Ohio, USA
Prof. Dr. Siming Li
National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Cardiology, Xiyuan Hospital, China
Dr. Xiaying Wang
SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland
Dr. Shihua Shi
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Dr. Saroj K. Pradhan
SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gantenbein
ZURZACHCare, Switzerland
Dr. Jie Pan
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Bonan Chen
Chin. Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Jiehan Liu
Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, China
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Hammes
SWISS TCM UNI, Switzerland
Dr. med. Roya Schwarz

Privatpraxis Dr. med. Roya Schwarz, Germany

Detailed Program

Day 1Wednesday, August 14, 2024Arrival of participants
Day 2 Thursday, August 15, 2024Oral presentations & Poster discussions
Day 3Friday, August 16, 2024Oral presentations & Poster discussions
Day 4 Saturday, August 17, 2024Practical courses
Day 5Sunday, August 18, 2024Practical courses
Day 6Monday, August 19, 2024Departure or individual travel

1 TCM Research in Switzerland08:30-09:15M. FurianWelcome presentation and TCM research activities in Switzerland
09:15-09:30D. ZhangCommunication by Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Delegate
Coffee break09:30-10:00
2 TCM Modernization and Digital Chinese Medicine

Chair: Gerhard Litscher
10:00-10:30G. LitscherDigital Chinese Medicine: From Acupuncture to Algorithms
10:30-11:00T. XuIntelligent Acupuncture Robot and its Application in Neuroendocrinology
11:00-11:30M. MičetićMathematical Modelling and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus by Acupuncture
11:30-12:00K. Chan LanRobot-assisted Laser Acupuncture
Lunch time12:00-13:30
3 Herbal Medicine

Chair: Xiaying Wang
13:30-14:00Y. RuyuFood and medicine continuum in China: A chronological view on the historical TCM herbals
14:00-14:30N. Zhao-SeilerThe TCM Herb Garden at ZHAW: Bridging Study, Contemplation and Understanding of TCM Herbal Medicine
14:30-15:00S. GiannoukosAdvanced mass spectrometry applications: investigating nutritional insights via breath and skin emanations during cupping therapy
Poster walk and discussions15:00-16:00 Poster walk and discussions
4 Oral presentations

Chair: Michael Furian
16:00-16:30L. WuSocio-psychological aspects of TCM in different countries and cultures
16:30-17:00X. BinPreliminary consideration of reporting on research in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for treating sleep disorders
17:00-17:30F. BahrUse of AI in the creation of a lecture and exam questions
Conference Advisory Board Meeting (Members only)17:45-18:30
Apéro riche18:30Aperitif at the Hotel zur Post

5 Reasearch in Switzerland

Chair: Gerhard Litscher
08:30-09:00M. FurianHow to critically appraise published clinical trials
09:00-09:30F. LiA multicenter, central randomized controlled trial of heat-sensitive moxibustion in the treatment of swollen knee osteoarthritis
6 Integrative medicine in research and practice

Chair: Guanhu Yang
10:00-10:30G. YangThe role of heart-adjusting
acupuncture in the prevention
and treatment of cardiovascular
10:30-11:00S. LiThe Perspective for Chinese Medicine Intervention for Coronary Artery Disease: Targeting Inflammation
11:00-11:30X. WangAcceptance of the general consent and findings from a satisfaction questionnaire in several Swiss TCM practices
11:30-12:00S. ShiGlobal ubiquitination increase is associated with antiviral responses in virally infected primary monocytes
Lunch time12:00-13:30
7 Neurology

Chair: Michael Hammes
13:30-14:00S. K. PradhanThe hype about Daith piercing for chronic migraine and tension-type headache: Is it really effective?
14:00-14:30A. GantenbeinUsing TCM in headache disorders
14:30-15:00J. PanTranscriptomic profiling of human and mice astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease
Poster walk and discussions15:00-16:00
8 Oral presentations

Chair: Shihua Shi
16:00-16:30B. ChenNovel Therapeutic Agent Fangchinoline Targeting NOX4 Effectively Alleviates Metastasis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
16:30-17:00J.LiuState of mind and health—Wellness in Chinese Philosophy
Gala Dinner at the Zurzacherhof – Announcement of Research Prize Winners19:00

Healing Beyond Boundaries: Mastering Pain and Internal Disorders with TCM and Acupuncture

Prof. Guanhu Yang

Course Language:
Saturday &
1. Unveiling TCM Strategies for Conquering Post-COVID-19 Syndrome Dizziness
2. Revolutionary Acupuncture Insights for Blood Sugar Control and Peripheral Neuropathy
3. Acupuncture Breakthroughs in Acute Myocardial Infarction Care
4. Integrating TCM and Modern Pharmacology for Atherosclerosis: Targeting Plaque with Precision
5. Harmonizing the Gut: TCM Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
6. TCM Wisdom for Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS): A New Hope
7. Navigating Ménière’s Disease with TCM Acupuncture: A Path to Balance
8. The Art and Science of Acupuncture in Pain Relief: Clinical and Research Perspectives
Die Reservoire des Wassers: Die Acht Außergewöhnlichen Gefäße mit ihren klinischen Funktionen und Anwendungen

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Hammes
Speaker: Dr. med. Roya Schwarz

Course Language:
Saturday &
1. Der Aufbau der Acht Außergewöhnlichen Gefäße (奇經八脈)
2. Wesentliche Aspekte der Acht Pforten der Flussaktivierung (Acht Pforten der Verknüpfung mit den Außergewöhnlichen Pforten 八脈交會穴)
3. Abdominelle Testzonen der Außergewöhnlichen Gefäße
4. Erweiternde Aspekte zum Wesen der Acht Außergewöhnlichen Gefäße in der Autogenese und Individuation des Menschen
5. Der Bezug zu den Drei Ebenen
6. Spezifika der Pathogenese in den Acht Außergewöhnlichen Gefäßen
7. Die wesentlichen Pforten zur Aktivierung der Acht Außergewöhnlichen Gefäße
8. Spezifische Korrelate der Störungen in den Acht Außergewöhnlichen Gefäßen
9. Fallbeispiele und Übungen

Speaker dinner18:00Park Hotel Bad Zurzach

Poster sessions

1. Michael Hammes – New linguistic considerations about the composition and transfer of denominations of disease in Chinese Medicine

2. Zipan Lyu – Osteoprotegerin-Mediated Adipogenesis in Obesity: A Potential Therapeutic Biomarker for Electro-acupuncture

3. Jiehan Liu – State of mind and health—Wellness in Chinese Philosophy

The full conference program can be downloaded here: “2nd Scientific TCM Conference Program”

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