3rd Scientific TCM Congress

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About 3rd Scientific TCM Congress

From science to
clinical practice.

Where traditional wisdom
meets modern research.

Explore current TCM research.
Learn new techniques.
Network with experts and peers.

Based on the good experience from our last Scientific TCM Congress, we are pleased to invite you to our 3rd Scientific TCM Congress.

Our scientific program will address current research findings in TCM and will focus on studies in patients.

It is a great opportunity to learn new TCM techniques in practical courses as well as a unique platform for scientific exchange and networking opportunities among experts, practicing physicians, therapists, researchers and students interested in TCM.


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS NOW OPEN. Please send your abstracts to forschung@tcmuni.ch. The abstracts will be evaluated and assigned for an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be structured and have a maximum of 350 words. Please only submit abstracts when you will attend the congress.

Please be aware that the congress language will be English.

Credits for attending the congress are or will be requested from different TCM organizations. The website will be updated regularly. For further information, please write an email to forschung@tcmuni.ch

More information is coming in the upcoming months. If you would like to pre-register for the congress, please write a short email to Michael.furian@tcmuni.ch.


Michael Furian

Prof. Dr.

Yiming Li

Prof. Dr.

Xingfang Liu


Guest Organizers


Detailed Program

Speaker dinner18:00Park Hotel Bad Zurzach

Thursday 14.08.25
08:15-09:00Michael FurianWelcome presentation and TCM research activities in Switzerland
09:00-09:30Robyn SoddersThe Importance of Leadership in TCM Education: Creating the next generation of leaders
09:30-10:00Coffee break
10:00-10:30Guanhu YangTCM Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
10:30-11:00Timothy RossBaicalin, Berberine and BanXia XieXin Tang: Increasing the efficacy of anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapies with TCM herbal medicine
11:00-11:30Thomas FriedmannCOVID and Chinese herbs
11:30-12:00Michael HammesCurse and blessing of technology in Chinese Medicine
12:00-13:30 Lunch in the park
13:30-16:00Networking opportunity & Time to relax and enjoy Bad Zurzach
16:00-16:15Saroj PradhanDaith Piercing for migraine: Only a social media hype on YouTube? A systematic video analysis.
16:15-16:30Daniela OdermattCase report – Child with trisomy 18
16:30-16:45Jiehan LiuImpact of COVID-19 on TCM patient’s health conditions – A retrospective study.
16:45-17:15Patrick HegiSystematic literature review on the acupuncture effects to improve exercise performance
17:45-18:30 Conference Advisory Board Meeting
18:30Aperitif at the Hotel zur Post

Friday 15.08.25
08:30-09:00Xiang-Hong JingActivating Distinct Afferent Nerve Fibers in Topical Acupoint to Relieve Inflammatory Muscle Pain.
09:00-09:30FBU PhD winnertba
09:30-10:00Coffee break
10:00-10:30Gerhard LitscherAcupuncture, Heart Rate Variability, and Related Research: Insights from 40 Years of Experience and Current Results from Transcontinental Studies
10:30-11:00Peijing RongTheory and Practice of Auricular Therapy via the Modulation of the Vagus Nerve
11:00-11:30Fengxia LiangAcupuncture and the Autonomic Nervous System: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential
11:30-12:00Guangjun WangModulating the Autonomic Nervous System Through Acupuncture: Modern Insights
12:00-13:30Lunch in the park
13:30-16:00Networking opportunity & Time to relax and enjoy Bad Zurzach
16:00-16:30Poster presentations
16:30-17:00Reginaldo FilhoImmediate Effect Evaluation of Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain with a Single Acupoint
17:30-18:00Christian HartmannOsteopathy
19:00Gala Dinner at the Zurzacherhof – Announcement of Research Prize Winners

Saturday & Sunday16-17.08.252-day clinical practice courses
Reginaldo Filho (Brazil)

2-day Course Content
Saturday: Five Movements Based Acupuncture
Sunday: Navel Acupuncture
Timothy Ross (USA)

2-day Course Content
Improving immunotherapy and relieving immune suppression

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