1st Scientific TCM Conference

About 1st Scientific TCM Conference

Traditional Chinese Medicine in Europe

From Science to Clinical Practice

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 1st Scientific TCM Conference in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland.

The conference is jointly organised by SWISS TCM UNI and TCM Ming Dao AG.

The scientific programme will address current research in TCM, focusing on studies from practice and clinical TCM research in various health conditions. In addition, the conference will offer the opportunity to learn new and proven TCM techniques in practical courses.

The conference will be a unique platform for scientific exchange and networking among experts, practicing physicians, therapists and researchers in TCM.

A cultural programme for participants and accompanying persons will allow to explore the surroundings of Bad Zurzach with its great thermal baths and vineyards.


Michael Furian

Prof. Dr.

Yiming Li

Prof. Dr.

Xiaoying Lyu


Organized by

Swiss University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Please be aware that the congress language will be German and slides in English. Presentation language can be German, English or Chinese. Important content will be translated between Chinese and German language.

Confirmed credits:
ASA, Switzerland: 6 Credits each for Thursday and Friday; 2 Credits for each attended Course on Saturday and Sunday.

For further information, please write an email to forschung@tcmuni.ch


Day 1 – Wednesday, August 09, 2023Arrival of participants
Day 2 – Thursday, August 10, 2023TCM Research (30 minute talks)
Day 3 – Friday, August 11, 2023Clinical topics (30 minute talks)
Day 4 – Saturday, August 12, 2023TCM Practical courses (2 hour courses)
Day 5 – Sunday, August 13, 2023TCM Practical courses (2 hour courses)
Day 6 – Monday, August 14, 2023Departure or individual travel

Thursday10.08.23TCM Research
On-site Registration07:30-08:30
1 Research at the Swiss TCM Uni08:30-09:00Yiming Li (DE)Swiss University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
09:00-09:30Michael Furian (DE)Research Concept of the Swiss TCM University
09:30-10:00Christoph Beglinger (DE)TCM – Challenges from the perspective of the Ethics Committee
Coffee break10:00-10:30
2 Real-world studies
Chair: Michael Furian
10:30-11:00Ly He (CN)TCM real world studies in China
11:00-11:30Michael Furian (DE)Medical TCM Register in Switzerland
11:30-12:00Ahmet Sevik (DE)Implementation and validation of a general consent and patient satisfaction
3 TCM Research
Chair: Michael Hammes
13:30-14:00Xingfang LiuBibliometric analysis of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for mild cognitive impairment
14:00-14:30Saroj Pradhan (DE)TCM for headache disorders
14:30-15:00Gerhard Litscher (DE)Laser Acupuncture, TCM Research and Integrative Medicine
15:00-15:30Donghao Gan (CN)Piezo1 activation accelerates osteoarthritis progression and the targeted intervention effect of artemisinin
Coffee break15:30-16:00
4 Oral presentations of current research results
Chair: Saroj Pradhan
16:00-16:15Shihua Shi (EN)Salidroside pretreatment alleviates PM2.5 caused lung injury via inhibition of apoptosis and pyroptosis through regulating NLRP3 Inflammasome
16:15-16:30Xiaying Wang (EN)TCM in the digital world – Can we learn from each other?
16:30-16:45Julia Schürer (DE)Ashi Scalp Acupuncture in the Treatment of Secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia Induced by Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Report
16:45-17:00Chen Binjun (EN)Introduction to «Longsha Kaihe Liuqi» Acupuncture Method
Scientific Meeting (only invitees)17:15-18:30Michael Furian (DE)Plenum discussion about joint research projects

Friday11.08.23Clinical topics
5 Clinical topics
Chair: Jia Liu
08:30-09:00Ling Guan (CN)Structural acupuncture and moxibustion for knee joint pain
09:00-09:30Tianshen Ye (CN)A series of research on the adenosine mechanism of acupuncture in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
09:30-10:00Michael Furian (DE)Update 2022 – Brief summary of Published studies in TCM
Coffee break10:00-10:30
6 TCM and conventional medicine combined
Chair: Gerhard Litscher
10:30-11:00Peter Lude (DE)Holistic thinking and precise care in patients with paraplegics
11:00-11:30Michael Hammes (EN)Pain relief of electroacupuncture corresponds with hypothalamic and periaqueductal gray activation – a single-blind placebo-controlled fMRI study
11:30-12:00Peter Sandor (DE)Rehabilitation and TCM – current practice at ZURZACH Care and future perspectives
7 Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Chair: Sandi Suwanda
13:30-14:00Yg Fang (CN)Acupuncture and moxibustion in treating premature ovarian failure
14:00-14:30Jia Liu (CN)Acupuncture and moxibustion in chronic low back pain
14:30-15:00Yanjun Wang (CN)Acupuncture and moxibustion for chronic urticaria
15:00-15:30Xiaoying Lyu (CN)Effect of TCM on neurological function in post-stroke patients undergoing a 3 month rehabilitation program
Coffee break15:30-16:00
8 Beyond TCM
Chair: Florian Beissner
16:00-16:30Olaf van Loon (DE)Dry needling in neurologic patients
16:30-17:00Florian Beissner (DE)Sinosomatics – East Asian medicine meets hypnotherapy
17:00-17:30Sandi Suwanda (DE)Magical point combination of tung acupuncture
Congress Committee Meeting (only invitees)17:45-18:30Michael Furian (DE)
19:00Gala Dinner – Announcement of Research Prize Winner

Saturday12.08.2023Clinical practice course
Course 108:00-10:00Yg Fang (CN)Acupuncture and moxibustion in treating premature ovarian failure
Coffee break10:00-10:30
Course 210:30-12:30Yanjun Wang (CN)Acupuncture and moxibustion for chronic urticaria
Course 314:00-16:00Jia Liu (CN)Acupuncture and moxibustion in chronic low back pain
Coffee break16:00-16:30
Course 416:30-18:30Sandi Suwanda (DE)Master Tung acupuncture for spine problems

Sunday13.08.2023Clinical practice course
Course 508:00-10:00Michael Furian (DE)How to plan and conduct high-level research
Coffee break10:00-10:30
Course 610:30-12:30Julia Schürer (DE)Ashi Scalp Acupuncture in the Treatment of Secondary Trigeminal Neuralgia Induced by Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Report
Course 714:00-16:00Yiming Li (DE/CN)Integrative medical thinking in rare diseases

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